
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

17 Nov 2009

Ibu kerap nasihati anak usah ke laut

Nurul Dayana Simangoon

SETIAP kali anak remajanya pergi ke laut untuk bermain papan luncur, Cik Hakimah Abdul Latiff meleterinya kerana bimbang akan keselamatannya.

Namun, Muhammad Nazim Ismail, 18 tahun, tidak ambil pusing kerana terlalu gemar kegiatan sukan air itu.

Lewat petang kelmarin, bekas pelajar Sekolah Northlight itu hilang setelah dikatakan cuba mengejar bola 'misteri' di pantai East Coast, dekat restoran McDonald's.

Sehingga akhbar ini dicetak malam tadi, beliau belum ditemui.

Usaha mencari oleh sekitar 30 anggota Pasukan Pertahanan Awam Singapura (SCDF) dari 6.32 petang hingga 3 pagi semalam tidak membuahkan hasil.

Pasukan penyelam angkatan laut dan polis menyambung usaha itu pada 12.40 petang semalam tetapi menghentikannya sekitar empat jam kemudian.

Nazim dikatakan sedang bermain luncur bersama rakan karib yang juga jirannya, Muhammad Raihan Nin-Abar, sekitar 6.15 petang apabila beliau ternampak bola berwarna putih terapungapung di laut dekat batu penahan ombak.

Beliau dikatakan cuba mendapatkan bola yang dipukul ombak kuat itu dan berenang hingga ke tengah laut, kurang 20 meter dari pantai.

Nazim, yang dikatakan pandai berenang, cuba berpatah balik tetapi menghadapi masalah akibat ombak kuat.

Raihan, juga 18 tahun, yang sedang menjaga papan luncur mereka, lalu lari untuk menyelamatkan Nazim, yang tenggelam timbul, tetapi terlambat kerana beliau telah ditelan ombak.

Nazim, yang tinggal di Bedok Reservoir, pergi ke pantai itu bersama keluarga Raihan. Apabila cuaca mendung sekitar 6.10 petang, mereka berehat di McDonald's namun Nazim dan Raihan terus berada di laut kerana masih mahu bermain luncur.

Cik Hakimah, 42 tahun, berkata anak keduanya daripada tiga adik-beradik itu, yang mesra dengan panggilan 'Sakai', mungkin terlalu penat kerana tidak tidur sejak beberapa hari lalu garagara keluar bersama kawan.

Dengan suara terputus-putus beliau berkata;

'Sudah berkali-kali saya melarang Nazim bermain luncur di laut kerana takut dia diapa-apakan, tapi apa boleh buat anak saya dah besar. Dah 18 tahun. Saya tak boleh menghalangnya.

'Lagipun, kali ini dia keluar dengan jirannya yang telah dianggap sebagai keluarga angkat, bukan dengan budak jahat. Entah dari mana pula asalnya bola yang dikejar itu.

'Mungkin ajalnya sudah tiba, saya pasrah atas apa yang berlaku.'

Nazim sedang menunggu untuk dipanggil menjalani Perkhidmatan Negara (NS) Mac depan.

Raihan, yang kelihatan masih trauma, berkata: 'Saya masih menyalahkan diri saya kerana jika saya menolak ajakannya untuk membeli papan lungsur pagi semalam mungkin perkara ini tidak akan terjadi.'

May he rest in peace. This news actually widened my eyes. He's someone i knew. Not much but talked to him before. Lepak together before. He live near my hse area and he's my cousin's chilhood friend. Sadly he left at such a young age. I know him as 'sakai'. Lets us all pray for the best for his soul.

| 10:50 AM |

Happy Birthday..

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nuratika Naim.

Happy 19th Birthday babe...
Stay hawt always! ;D
Enjoy your teens life to the fullest..


| 4:59 PM |

Movies = Great

The end is Near.

HEYYY!!!! I rate this movie 10/10!! Super great! I mean ya nobody knows what's gonna happen in the year 2012 but woahoaw..credits to the directors. Watched this at my "used to be" workplace at 12:45AM. Theres this inconsiderate FATASS in the cinema siting beside me n my guy n..he was DAMN IRRITATING.. imagine someone BIG sitting beside u, with such a bass voice..talking or perhaps MUMBLING  loudly beside you, while you trying to watch a great movie that u paid 10 bucks for it??! At that moment, i was wishing to be BEN10 and change myself to be 'something' so that i could swing that fatass out of the hall!! but....this world aint cartoon world hero save the world =D Fir was super boiling and got super irritated that he shouted right infront of that fatass face, " FUCK!! SHUT UP!!". hahahaha!! member teros muker cuak siak...hahaha cute kan mataer aku yg kuros tu mengamok kat si gemok babi. That fatass zipped his mouth throughout. Even some couples behind us laughed at him.

Nut up or shut up.

Watched this in my psp =P
He downloaded it for me. Its a funny movie. And do follow the rules if you wanna survive. You'll understand what im trying to say if you've watched it.

Don't see it alone.

One word to describe this movie..SPOOKY.
Watched this in psp too :D

Alright i spent the whole weekend day and night with my baby. Thanks for all that moments and thanks for all your treat. Love u syg. Muacks!  ;D


| 4:47 PM |

oh no...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Project due 5th Nov..

Tommorrow is our group's presentation and we are super not ready as usual. Its like damn i dont know what to do. Tried to do some researches but to no avail. HOW? :(
The only time i could do my project is during lesson as i dont own a comp at home. My group members do it only when they reach home. How can i do it then? I dont wanna give this as reasons of me not takin part. I dun wanna shake my leg and put responsibilities on others. Boifren buy me a lappy..pweety please?
Sorry kwn2 i cant do much..


| 4:27 PM |


Monday, November 2, 2009

I've watched this movie. Damn, its super touching! Recommended! The moral of the story is..Be brave to fight for your right. Watched it with hym. And its the first tyme we watched a drama together. Its always action, horror and violence movies. Its unbelievable that he cudn't control his tears. He cried even before i did. He's ain't no Heartless :D ANYWAY, hotdog is faved!!!

See this picture above? Lack of chilhood i guess. Hahaha.

Ni la ape si budak tua ni buat kat umah slalu. Takde keje play around with his grandma's wheelchair in the house.

Okae hoppers i gotta go now..nak shoppin with gurlfrens :D


| 4:55 PM |