Thursday, July 31, 2008

Yeeeeehaaaaaaa!! G0D!! it takes ages fer miie tuhh create a new last im d0ne wit it..
aitez im gonna start p0sting..
on dis first p0st 0f mine, i wanna br0ught up 1 issue..t0dae had a t0k wit Mr Faris b0ut s0me current c0nflict case bet us and 1 0f my classmate wh0 had 0waes been M.I.A lately..haish..i've realised tt dis c0nflict is actually a small matter but it end up blablahblah..tuhh make things CLEAR!..CRI0US FCUK I ACTUALLY HAVE N0 ILL INTENTI0Ns 2WARDS EIU..wadd m0re wit ur frens tt i think hav g0t n0tin 2 d0 in dis matter..but haish..i understnd tt as frens they hav their right..but heyy dis is actually m0re tuhh a misunderstandings..f0r the sake 0f Mr Faris, i just wanna st0p all dis and f0cus 0n what's much m0re imp0rtant..I H0PE tt U WENT M.I.A N0T BC0S 0F DIS MATTER..n0w i think i've d0ne wadd i hav 2 by explainin 2 u 0f wadd i tink..n it's n0w up 2 u 2 st0p dis c0nflicts 0r rather c0ntinue let it remain uns0lved..
0k0k..i'm actually upset n really2 cudn't get it why u guys r n0t happy wit miie 0r much m0re betta, HATE miie??..yayarh waddeva it is IM S0RRY 0K IF I DID ANITIN WR0NG.[even th0ugh i n0e i'm inn0cent =( ]..
i h0pe that my lyfe cud be betta..

| 11:54 PM |