6 Months Together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 m0re week..and it'll be 6 m0nths..

U've made me l0ve u,
u've made me hate u t0o.
U always make me laugh,
u always make me cry t0o.
U devel0p the trust,
u betrayed it t0o.


-Be m0re gentlemen.
-Be m0re carin. (Always c0ncern fer my whereab0uts. At least.)
-Be m0re supp0rting. (Enc0urage/motivate me in things i love t0 do..instead of critisizing.)
-Be realistic.
-Be some0ne who always sh0w loves.
-Be s0me0ne wh0 kn0ws h0w t0 c0ntr0l their temper.

This is just wadd i wish fr0m y0u. I didnt say that y0u are t0tally bad. It's just tt u tend t0 hurt me deeply sumtymes with0ut realising. I noe me myself did mistakes t0o. I n0e i've hurt u bef0re, deeply which i n0e u've ferget but never fergive.

But baby..
I w0nt be paran0id if im n0t a girl. I w0n't be a cry baby if u never hurt me. I w0n't start having 0ther guy if u d0nt hav any 0ther gal.

Lyke wadd u've always sae..GUYS WILL BE GUYS!
Den this is wadd i shall sae..GURLS WILL BE GURLS!

Fer all guys..
Gurls hav th0usands 0f meanings fer a werd..and..t0 y0u..a werd has 0nly 1 meaning..
(E.g if u say t0 y0ur gurl 'she's fat!'...she wud tink u hate her..she wud tink u might find 0ther gurl..she'll n0t ferget wadd u've said even if u're j0kin..)..s0o i suggest..tink bef0re u say anitin 2 a gurl aiite!..if u get wadd i meant..*Wynkk*


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Pissed Off!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm betta den ur EX!

May be betta den ur NEXT!

New Designs coming up!

Trademarks! :)



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